The below is the basic circuit training program for your kids to develop physical fitness qualities and improve sports performance. On top of that, strength and conditioning coaches must realize that kids might have difference schools programs or other co-curriculum activities running on that day itself, hence may not always have the luxury to train these kids at full hour session. If time is the constrain, rescheduling the training session may not always be necessary, keep the training session short, simple, effective, and also to simply be creative as kids will get bore or easily get distracted from repetitive activities.
As a coach is it our responsibility to create a program that still reaps the maximum benefit of the training session at the same time keeping the kids competent in such way that is safe, putting no harm or risking them into injuries.
The exercise sequencing rationale why I would program the exercises in such way.
Highest physical demand exercises or skilled demand exercises such as agility or power exercises are to be prioritized first. Reason being we want these kids to be in their best physiological state as possible, performing high psychical demand or skilled exercise requires maximum focus/attention and energy demand to the point of fatiguing would not be ideal.
If you have 10 kids to manage, the easiest way to setup the training is get them to do same exercises all together. Avoid splitting them into too many different stations as it would be difficult to monitor their technique unless they are seasoned athletes.
8 Stations ( 1:1 Work Rest Ratio)
30 sec work with 30 rest
Repeat 2 cycles
1. Wall Drills
To develop acceleration mechanics, lower leg power
2. Cone Lateral Shuffle Drills
To develop the ability to change direction in the lateral movements
3. Star Jumps
To develop hip and ankle strength
4. Kneeling Push Up
To develop upper body pushing strength
5. Squat Hold
To develop lower body quad strength and endurance
6. Elbow Plank
To develop anterior core muscular endurance
7. Side Plank
To develop lateral core muscular endurance and promote trunk stability in lateral position
8. Superman Arm Sweep
To develop lower back and glutes strength and endurance, shoulder mobility
The whole training session would not take more than 30mins. If you have extra time, you could always allocate team work games at the end of the training session to encourage team work, communication and most importantly to make them always look forward for the next session!